プロダクトデザイナー yuichi
兵庫県生まれ。大学で電気工学専攻し、大学院を卒業後、某電気機器メーカーへエンジニアとして4年間勤務する。退職後、渡英。Nottingham Trent Universityにてプロダクトデザインを学ぶ。2012年に帰国。その後、フリーランスとして、主に3Dプリンタ、レーザーカッター、CNCなどのハイテクファブリケーション機器を利用した制作活動を始める。2015年、人,機械,コンピュータをスパイスに,ハイブリットでカスタマイザブルなプロダクトを提供するブランド、fabiiをスタートする。2022年千歳烏山に業種を超えた幅広い創り手たちからなる地域のコミュニティースペースfactories.tokyoをスタート。
Born in Hyogo, Japan, Yuichi originally studied electric engineering at Osaka City University.
After completing his master’s degree he worked at a car part manufacturer from 2004 to 2008. Unsatisfied in his career, Yuichi decided to pursue his passion for design and in 2008 went to the UK to study BA Furniture and Product Design at Nottingham Trent University. After graduating in 2012, he returned to Japan where he currently works as a freelance product designer, mainly using digital fabrication machines including a 3D printer, laser engraver and CNC router. At the beginning of 2015, Yuichi started his own brand “fabii”, which explores the possibilities of combining hand crafted products with digital fabrication techniques. The aim of fabii is to provide customizable products for individual customers. in 2022, he started his studio and creator's space "factories.tokyo" in Chitose Karasuyama, which is a local community organized by a wide range of creators across product and food industries.